Archivo de la categoría: Wireless Hacking

WPA/WPA2 WPS design flaws, easy way Part II

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Share it! TweetAs described in the previous post [ I ], WPS has several flaws in it´s design, and I´ll try to explain them in this post, prior to just going for catching the WPA key only. The first flaw … Sigue leyendo

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WPA/WPA2 WPS design flaws, easy way Part I

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Share it! TweetHi folks! in this post series I´ll try to analyze the entire process about how to retrieve WPA/WPA2 key when bruteforcing PSK was not successfull or takes a long long time. Attack surface arose in December 2011 when … Sigue leyendo

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Publicado en Wireless Hacking | Etiquetado | 1 comentario